Why We Need More Doctors Doing Healthcare UX

Even before I was a teenager I’ve loved working with computers. I had no qualms opening up a machine and replacing parts. I say machines because it wasn’t just desktop computers; I’ve even opened up a PlayStation 2 and 3 a few times. I wanted to know how they worked,...
The Wonderful World of Healthcare UX

The Wonderful World of Healthcare UX

I often get asked “what is UX”. Even more often I get asked “why did you leave medicine? Don’t you miss the patients?” Funnily enough, the answers to both questions are linked. So keep reading to find out more! UX, short for User...

I went to… DAPS Global Summit 2015

The Doctors Advancing Patient Safety (DAPS) Global Summit 2015 was a great opportunity for me to talk about the wonderful world of Healthcare UX to a room full of doctors. I was invited to present by Dr Samah Alimam, a Haematology Registrar and Board member of DAPS...

Alternative Careers & Wellbeing for Doctors 2015

Saturday October 31st and not a ghost, zombie or vampire in sight. No one cares its Halloween, me included, and why? Because today is Alternative Careers and Wellbeing for Doctors day! A  dodgy curry the night before was trying to keep me trapped in the house, but by...
Health Innovators TV Video Interview

Health Innovators TV Video Interview

Health Innovators TV interviewed me at the TELHack Showcase @ the National Science Museum on Tuesday November 10th 2015. I was there with the other members of Team ECHO which came second at TELHack 2015 as well as winner of Best Presentation for our solution, ECHO;...